Rodney is a practicing equine veterinarian currently working as an instructor in the veterinary college at UCD, Dublin, Ireland.
He has served as a worship leader as well as in various roles with both the veterinary profession and the church. He and his wife have worked locally and travelled to other nations to encourage and help people working in different projects. They currently live in an old Franciscan monastery that they bought in Ireland and have been restoring over the last seven years. They have established a quiet place for people needing to ‘come away’ and have restful reflective time.
Rodney has been married to Heather for over forty years, the father of two children, grandfather of three, enjoys time with family, hiking in the mountains, playing his guitar, writing songs, reading a good book in front of the fire and photography.
The songs on this first album were all written in the monastery and inspired by the beauty and history of Ireland :
Back to the Bog - Rodney when working on the bog getting turf for our many fireplaces heard the term ‘freeing the turf’ and used it as a play on words for the song. To ‘free the turf’ means to stack it in such a way as to create a wall.
Winds of Eire contains the term ‘blow in’ it is an Irish term for someone not born and raised in the immediate area. For us as Canadians moving into the area it is not a big deal, but for Irish from not very far away it can be hurtful to be treated as an outsider.
Rock and Stone - so many stories in the countryside about the old abandoned homes……”ah sure, that used to be the _____ place, all dead or moved away now” - this song birthed in the Black Valley, Co. Kerry hiking with friends.
Wild Mountain Thyme - heard this first sung acapella by a young lad in the house of local friends. It reminded me of the poetry of the Song of Songs and I changed the lyrics in the third verse to reflect that.
Head in the Hedgerow - one of the first locals we met was Hugh Barr, an artist who with his partner Liz is active locally promoting art events and has a series of artwork called Head in the Hedgerow. He walks his dogs on the small road (boreen) outside the old crofters cottage they live in.
Patrick’s Well - reflecting on Patrick's life, reading St. Patrick's confession and seeing signs all over the country for the various holy wells the song came from a place of knowing that the true well, the source of his strength, was Christ.
Tapestries - this song came out of years of hearing other people's life stories and an understanding that the words and actions of others have a part in shaping the people we are today. But also knowing the redemptive work of God means we can become more whole and healthy.
Sarah’s Song - written specifically for our daughter Sarah but also from the place of a man that wishes all women could hear similar words sung over them, words of affirmation, blessing, empowerment.
Pilgrim Road - consider myself a pilgrim - continuing to explore and be open to learning.
Pick Up Your Harp - came out of a few ponderings- while working in Tubercurry area I stopped at a famine workhouse cemetery, reading the signage that said “Sport and past times went, poetry, dancing and music stopped. They lost and forgot everything and when life improved in other ways these things never returned to what they were - ‘the famine killed everything’”. And then in the news saw an article about the St. Patrick Halfpenny, a coin depicting David playing his harp on one side and Patrick on the other.
Scenes of Wonder Photography :
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