2019/20 Concerts:

21st December 2020 - ONLINE

20th December 2020 - ONLINE

Limbrook Wood Baptist Church, Coventry

Barrow Valley Community Church, Carlow, Ireland

18th December 2020 - ONLINE

Epiphany Classics at Christmas Concert

13th December 2020 - LIVE

Malmesbury Abbey, Cotswolds


15th December 2019

Belfast, Northern Ireland

14th December 2019

Cookstown, Northern Ireland

6th & 7th December 2019

Amersfort, The Netherlands

4th December 2019

Rostrevor, County Down, Northern Ireland

1st December 2019

Great Gransden, Cambridgeshire, England

30th November 2019

Hounslow Methodist Church, Bell Road, TW3 3PB

29th November 2019

Ashburnham Place, East Sussex

8th & 9th November (with Slemish)

Donnemarie-Dontilly, Paris, France

5th November 2019

Ashburnham Place, East Sussex

The Point Church, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, September 2019

'Celtic Summer School' , Durham, 7th August 2019

Scarborough, North Yorkshire, 6th August 2019

Ashburnham Place, East Sussex, 30th April 2019

Poynton Methodist Church, Cheshire, 28 April 2019